Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Moment of Truth

While flipping through some channels on the TV, I happened to stop at a program which was showing the lives of soldiers in Indian Army. I have high regards to all of them who are with the armed forces. They do so many sacrifices to safeguard all of us. They don’t have an appropriate life like us. They fine-tune their lives for us to be safe and secure. At the end of the program I was so carried away that tears were just rolling down my cheeks without my knowledge.

Life has given me so many things in which I could be happy, yet I am not content with what I have. I constantly criticize about anything and everything. There are times I am happy in my small little world and times unhappy with the people around me. There are instances I wish for the ones I don’t have and instances where I don’t want what I have. There are occasions I would ask for people who are far away from me to be nearer and occasions where the nearer ones to go away. There are moments I want to be left alone and moments I want lot of people around me. There are times I want to dress up and look nice and times I just don’t care how I look. There are points in time when I want to blast music and points in time I get irritated with the slightest noise. There are moments in time I get angry on silly things and moments in time where I laugh at something serious. There are times I love to play in rains and times I hate the sight of it. Oh my god! I have so many choices and my mood swings so eccentrically.

Why am I not happy with the comforts that I have? I feel ashamed when I compare my life with a soldier. Look at them, they are far away from their families and loved ones. They have fractional comforts when compared to me. They have very limited choices in life, yet they are contented doing their jobs. Not once they whine about their issues. I saw that happiness (genuine) on their face. Their smile spoke about the delight of serving their mother land. They are proud serving the country. I am proud of these soldiers who work so hard to keep our country safe.

My learning from them is to be happy with what I am and with what I have.

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