When Neha saw the notification on Facebook ‘Rajeev commented on Rahul’s photo’, she jumped off from her chair to see which Rahul was it. She viewed Rahul’s profile, could not get much from it, as his account was blocked with the privacy settings. After seeing couple of other comments from Rajeev she confirmed; it was the same Rahul who was her engineering classmate. She was very happy to find him on FB. Nevertheless, reluctant to send him a friend request. It’s been five long years that she saw him. The last she met him was in the college farewell party. Neha had this (still has) secret crush on Rahul all through her college days. She never disclosed it to anyone, not even to Rahul.
Rahul was an attractive guy and a heartthrob for all the girls in college. He already had huge female fans following him. Neha being a studious and average looking girl didn’t even have the courage to be around him. Nonetheless, her eyes always followed Rahul; in the class room, cafeteria, library and parking lot. She adored him from the day she saw him. In the entire four years of her engineering, she would have spoken to him about 3-4 times. Even on the last day of college, though she tried hard but failed to speak to him. She was really happy to find him on Facebook. She saw all his pictures and said to herself “Rahul hasn’t changed much, he looks even better now”. After watching his pictures for umpteen times, she recalled all the incidents in the college and wished for the college days to have extended for some more years. After the college Neha got a job in Bangalore and shifted from Mysore. Neha took up a paying guest accommodation in Bangalore and hardly went to Mysore. She was so busy with work that she almost forgot about Rahul, until she saw him on Facebook. All the memories gushed giving her a rush of nostalgia. She spent next few hours looking at his pictures on her laptop.
On a Sunday evening, Neha was sitting in Jaynagar Café Coffee Day waiting for her friend. She heard a very familiar voice behind her table. She turned back immediately and found out it was Rahul. She was totally thrilled to see him at the same time still hesitant to go speak to him. She thought what if he doesn’t recognize her, what if he ignores her and walks out. With all the questions running in her mind she was lost in her own world. Someone patted her back. She turned back, “Hi, is it Neha?” That was Rahul standing behind her with a welcoming smile on his face. “Hi Rahul, Oh yeah it’s me Neha. What a pleasant surprise, how have you been?” she uttered. “OMG! I can’t believe this. It’s been so long and I am so glad to find you here. Where are you these days? Where do you work?” breathlessly asked Rahul. Neha was surprised and still in a shock that she was actually talking to Rahul, the same guy she was longing for all these years. She smiled sheepishly and didn’t know which question to answer.
Then they sat together and discussed about each other’s lives. Rahul went to the US to do his MS after his engineering. He stayed for four years and came back to Bangalore an year before. He got a job and now stays in Bangalore. Rahul told her that it was difficult to recognize her as she looked completely different when compared to college days. Neha was happy to know that he still remembers how she looked five years ago.
Yes, there is lot of changes in Neha now. She is a software engineer, an independent girl who earns well. Her spectacles replaced by contact lens, curly hair straightened, knocked off excess fat. She looks stunning (with her make-over from VLCC). Rahul had all praises for her. Neha was now on cloud nine. Her stomach was doing summer sault. Finally when Rahul was about to leave, they exchanged their phone numbers and promised to stay in touch.
It’s been almost a week now neither of them called or messaged each other. Every time when her phone rings or beeps she would run to find out if it was Rahul. She never attempted to reach out to him thinking she might show up desperate. At the same time, Rahul too got busy with his work and with so many friends around never bothered to ring her. Neha was hoping one day Rahul would surely call her up. This went on for a while and meanwhile one a very unfortunate day Neha lost her cell phone while she was shopping in Forum mall. She searched hard to find, but her efforts were a failure. She was devastated of losing the phone. She did not note down Rahul’s number anywhere. The only thing she remembered was his Facebook account. She decided to send him a friend request. She waited for him to accept the request.
She could not get much information from his account with the privacy settings. She unwearyingly waited for his response. This went on for couple of months. Neha didn’t seem to give up hope. She could not tell her feelings to anyone and at the same time she had a hope that she would meet him some time. As time passed by, Neha too got busy with her work. She did make couple of trips to her home town Mysore. On en route to her home, she passed by J.C college campus, which gushed her memories and brought back Rahul to her mind.
Months passed by thinking about Rahul. Luck didn’t seem to favor Neha. When life gave her an opportunity she didn’t make use of it. She lost interest in everything. She needed a break, wanted new environment and to move away from the city. After much perseverance, she got an opportunity to go on an onsite to New York. She was happy that a change in place could bring some change to her. She signed for one year assignment and moved to the US. She was a little hesitant initially, as it was the first time she was moving away from India. Eventually, she got used to it. Neha saw a new world, experienced a different work culture and a life style. She shared an apartment with another Indian girl called Rupali.
Rupali is born and brought up in the US. She moved to New York with the job offer. Her parents stayed in California. All went well with Neha. The change in place indeed brought her some peace, but that never lasted for long. She was very soon haunted back with memories of Rahul. She started missing him even more. Rupali learnt the reason for her dullness. Rupali even laughed at her stupidity of waiting for this long and not telling Rahul anything.
She planned to take Neha out on the weekend to cheer her up. Rupali told her to forget about Rahul and move on in her life. Neha was not ready to see anyone else. Rupali told her that she would call some of her Indian friends to the party where she can hook up Neha with someone.
Over the weekend, when Rupali came looking for Neha. Neha was still lying on her bed; she wasn’t in a mood to go out anywhere. She hesitantly got ready in a pair of Jeans and a t-shirt. Rupali uttered “Neha, you look absolutely boring and no one would ever fall for you, not even Rahul”. She pulled out a beautiful dress from her wardrobe and gave it to Neha. Neha had never worn a dress like that before, she denied wearing it. Finally, when Neha came out dressed, she looked stunning!
The girls reached the venue, where the party was arranged. The place was crowded; people were drinking, smoking and dancing. This was the first experience for Neha going to a club. She almost choked of the smoke. There was hardly any place to walk around. She felt totally out of place. Rupali went dancing on the floor with all her friends. Neha found a quite place in some corner and settled down. She was waiting to get back home. She waited for Rupali. When there were no signs of Rupali, she went to call her. She was with a bunch of friends. Rupali introduced everyone to Neha and asked her to pick someone.
The boys seemed interested in Neha but she smiled at everyone and walked out to get some fresh air. Though she had so many people inside, she felt all alone. She was lost in Rahul’s thoughts. Her eyes welled up. By then, she heard a loud noise. Someone slammed the car door; she realized she was standing all alone in the parking lot. She looked around, couldn’t find anyone else, she got scared and started walking towards the lift. She got into the lift and when the lift door was just about to close, someone stopped it. She closed her eyes thinking their hands got jammed. Luckily the lift stopped. To her surprise, it was Rahul! She didn’t believe her eyes. She thought she was dreaming about him and looked away. She only realized it when Rahul called out her name.
Rahul uttered, “What a pleasant surprise to find you here and you look awesome”! Neha was overjoyed and thanked Rahul. He asked her all about when she came? How long she is here? Where does she stay? Etc. Neha answered to all his questions.
Rahul told her that he tried calling her to inform that he was moving to the US on a project but her phone was switched off. Neha recalled the story of her lost cell phone and change in number. She in turn told him about the FB request. He had some restrictions in the client place and so busy with work didn’t find time to login.
Both of them were very happy to meet again and exchanged their numbers. When Rahul asked Neha if she has come with someone? She informed him about Rupali. Rahul started laughing, he came to the party on Rupali’s invite and she was his university friend. Neha and Rahul went inside the dance floor. Rupali hugged Rahul and danced with him for a while. Neha settled down in a corner looking at them. Rahul came and called Neha for a dance. She was not comfortable, after Rahul insisting her she went with him and danced. That was the first time she touched him, she felt a shock in her body. She thought all this was a dream. When Rahul put his hands around her waist, she felt she was the luckiest girl in the whole world. She was waiting for this moment all through her life. Rahul moved close to Neha and said something. As the music was loud, she couldn’t hear anything. Rahul moved even close and whispered in her ears, “Neha, you look beautiful”. His wet lips touched her soft ears. She was overjoyed to hear these things coming from Rahul. They danced for some more time whispering in each other ears. Neha wished for that moment to seize forever. They spoke to each other till the crack of dawn. They spoke to their heart fill as there was no end to it. When Rupali opened her mouth to tell Rahul about Neha, Neha shut her mouth and asked her to keep quite. Rahul offered to drop them home. When they arrived at their apartment, Neha offered Rahul for coffee. Rupali said goodbye and went off to sleep. Rahul too was tired and told Neha that he would come some other time. He hugged Neha and said a goodbye. Neha felt warmth in his hug and didn’t want to let him go. He gave a sweet peck on her cheek and got into the car. Neha waved at him, looking at his car till it vanished.