Saturday, May 28, 2011

Men from Mars and Women from Venus

I had this conversation some time ago with H about equality between Men and Women.

H: Why does a woman compete with men on everything?

Me: Why shouldn’t we compete?

H: Women always fight for equality but when it comes to certain things they just keep quiet and do nothing. You (women) always look for exceptions.

Me: Oh, it’s not like that. What do you mean by exceptions? Give me an example

H: Whenever a man and woman enter a room, a woman expects a man to open. Why can’t it be the other way round? Have you ever seen a woman opening the door for men?

Me: It’s not a hard and fast rule that a man has to open the door for woman. Not always a man would do unless he is trying to impress a girl and needs to prove that he is a true gentleman.

H: Fine, what would you say for this? You women have reserved seats in the buses, isn’t it? If you fight for equal rights why can’t we men have equal number of reserved seats?

Me: Well, only few seats in the bus are reserved for us, rest everything is for men. No women would go and ask for a seat if men are sitting there.

H: It’s acceptable for women to take a break from work and look after the family but men can’t do that. If I have to quit my job for couple of years to look after my child, no one would give me a job if tell them I quit because I was looking after my child.

I couldn’t continue my argument after this as I was already late for my cab :-( But actually it put me into thinking, what he said was right.

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