This one was written for some writing test
Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.
~Winston Churchill
I so believe in the above line. This is one thing; I have given lot of importance in my life. In my opinion, attitude is the basic foundation for success. It applies to every sphere of our lives including our personal and professional.
What do we mean by attitude? And why do we give so much importance to it?
An attitude is a hypothetical construct that represents an individual's degree of like or dislike for an item. Attitudes are generally positive or negative views of a person, place, thing, or event. (Source: Wikipedia)
Each of us has our own perception in analyzing things, which could be positive or negative. It’s all in our mind. For a positive thinker, attitude can be a stepping stone. At the same time, for a negative thinker that could be a stumbling stone. Every problem comes with an equal or greater opportunity. It’s the way we look at it. Should we consider that as a problem or should we consider that as an opportunity.
It is very important to possess a right attitude to be a successful person.
People recognize and give more value for someone who has a positive attitude in life.
If you are given a task and asked to do it, there are three ways you would respond to it
- I will do it
- I can’t do it
- I don’t want to do it
If you are saying, I can’t do it which means you don’t know how to do it or probably you don’t have any resources to do it. But if you are saying that you don’t want to do it, which means you know how to do it but you are not willing to do it.
Not all of us born with the perfect attitudes, we all learn as we grow and we develop them as we mature.
Experts say that attitude has an influence from our environment, experience and education. If we have a negative outlook towards everything, probably the place we are living or the people we are interacting have negative influence on us. We should be in a position to understand and analyze which is good and bad.
Have you noticed, our behavior changes according to our experiences
If we have a positive experience with a person, our attitude towards that person is likely to be positive. Same time, if we have a negative experience our attitude is negative.
Life is a roller coaster ride. We face lot of obstacles every day. Our biggest obstacle is negative attitude. People with negative attitude have a hard time keeping up friendship, relationships, jobs, marriages etc. It can be very stressful and creates an unpleasant environment. If our attitude is negative our lives are restricted and success is limited. People with negative gets so accustomed with their attitude, they just do not change. Even, if they know that the change is for a good reason, they do not accept it. They always blame the whole world for their failures and look for fault in everything and everyone.
Can we change our attitude? Yes, we definitely can and we should try to improve on what we are lacking. If you think you are a person who gets influenced with a negative thought, try to work on it. You need to focus on the positive things. Instead of looking at what is bad, look for what is good. You just need to make a conscious effort to practice it. Be as strong as possible, that nothing disturbs you. Appreciate good qualities in your friends and make them feel good. Forget everything happened in the past and start living in the present. If you have the willingness to change, nothing can stop you. You need to stay focused and work towards it.
The benefits of a positive attitude:
- Inspires others around you
- Helps to build relationships
- Improves personal satisfaction
- Reduces stress
Be positive and success will follow in every aspect of your life.
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